Climate change is here. In Canada, weather-related disasters, such as floods, storms and wildfires, are happening more often and becoming more intense. These effects are also unequally and differentially experienced by Indigenous, Black and other marginalized communities across the country.
Despite the urgency of the climate crisis, heading into election year it’s received little political attention. Instead, Trump’s tariffs, inflation, healthcare, rising food costs and a lack of affordable housing are dominating polls. If federal parties fail to take a stronger stance on climate issues, youth and future generations will be in an even more vulnerable position than they already are.
We need bold climate action now. Given the importance of the upcoming Canadian federal election, WHEN, a youth-led organization, is launching a climate action campaign for future generations. This campaign will encourage all federal political parties to adopt the strongest possible climate action plans going forward, demanding firm commitments that prioritize people, the planet and liveable futures.
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The Women’s Healthy Environments Network (WHEN) is a non-partisan, charitable organization. We are committed to prioritizing human and planetary health through an intersectional lens, advocating for those who are disproportionately impacted by environmental harm. In doing so, WHEN may take positions on or advocate with regard to public policy issues pertinent to its mission. However, WHEN conducts all of its activities in an entirely nonpartisan manner, remaining independent of any political influence. WHEN does not endorse, support or oppose candidates or political parties, nor do we intervene in any election on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate or political party. All our efforts are solely focused on advancing our mission and promoting positive change without political bias.