
Managing Toxic Thoughts

Speaker: Vincent Schutt from Environmentum (A Project of Tides Canada)Written by: Sheena Jain & Esha Jain            

Using the acronym F.E.A.R, Vincent Schutt has created a strategic method on how to approach and manage “toxic thoughts.” He suggests that first, we as individuals need to locate the source behind the toxic thought, in order to eventually resolve or reconcile with that initial thought.  The following depicts the necessary steps required to adequately manage toxic thoughts.

1)  Frame:  Locate your toxic thought

    → This can be done by classifying the source of the thought as:

  • The individual themselves

  • Their Family

  • Their Community

  • Their City

  • Their Province

  • Their Country

  • Their Global Society

2)  Evaluate the thought: Narrow in on the type of problem, in order to gain perspective on what steps

   can be taken to improve the “toxic thought”. This will prevent the “toxic thought” from, weighing the

   individual down.

    → Create a spectrum that increases progressively from least to most beneficial ways to   

          improve the toxic thought.     

3)      Assess/Appreciate: Locate where you are on the spectrum

4)      Reconcile: Determine whether you have the capacity in your life to do something about the toxic


  • Maybe you will realize that you cannot actually move forward with resolving this toxic thought

  • Maybe you will not be able to approach this problem right away because you have spectrums in other areas that need to be addressed first

  • Managing your toxic thoughts using these steps can give you a better perspective on where you are in terms of managing the problem, what future steps you can take, and what limitations you may have. Thus allowing you to put the thought to rest once and for all.     

Using the above steps, Mr. Schutt demonstrated how you can manage toxic thoughts regarding the elimination of waste products for example.


1)      Frame: Waste management is a problem located in the city in which you live

FRAMES EVALUATE Global Society Country Province City 0-High consumption

1- Not Separating waste products at all

2- Make some mistakes sorting waste products

3- Compost & Recycle

4- Reuse

5 - Reduce

Community Family Me

2)      Evaluate: See spectrum above

3)      Assess/Appreciate: Using his example, Mr. Schutt classified himself as being between

      Steps 3 & 4, in terms of how he handles waste in his everyday life.

4)      Reconcile: This activity puts into perspective: where the problem lies, a spectrum of how people may

      handle this problem, where you classify yourself in terms of improving this problem, what further

      actions you can take and what limitations you may have when it comes to this problem. This will

      essentially allow you to come to terms with the “toxic thought: so that it does not weigh you down.



Eco-Friendly Product Design Company: The Drumi

Speaker: Megan SavageWritten By: Sheena & Esha Jain


            DRUMI, the foot powered washing machine, what lead to the invention of this “travel size” laundry machine? It all started with an innovative university student, Yi Jiang and an unpleasant experience at the laundromat. This lead to further research, regarding other disadvantages of public laundromats.

            Some of the biggest concerns with public laundromats include environmental factors such as CO2 emissions, energy and water consumption as well as travel time required to go to the laundromat to get clothes cleaned. Based on his research, the following statistics were found:

Per load Annually (if 1X/week) 500 Watts of Power 26 Kilowatts of power 50 L of Water 2600L of Water 2.4 kg CO2 emission 124.8kg CO2 emission $4 per load $200

These factors have detrimental effects on our environment because they contribute to ocean acidification, smog pollution and ozone depletion. These environmental issues in turn, have a direct effect on human health and plant growth. Health concerns that arise following exposure include: reduced life expectancy, inhalation of emissions can lead to lung cancer as well as increases chances of developing respiratory and cardiac disease. Harmful effects on plant growth and nutrition levels include a 2-5% decrease in key staple crops.

The development of the DRUMI made many breakthroughs in reducing the negative effects of public laundromats. Its convenience reduces the total amount of time required to travel to the laundromat and complete a load of laundry. With the Drumi, one can complete a load of 7 articles of clothing in a total of 5-10 minutes, decreasing laundry days by up to 75%.  It uses only 5-10L of water per load and reduces consumption by up to 90 kg of CO2 emission per year. The development of the Drumi has been successful in diminishing many environmental concerns that occur with public laundromats. If the Drumi is implemented by all GTA residents it can reduce carbon neutrality by almost 300 million (254 700 000)kg CO2 emissions each year.

           Increasing awareness and educating more people about the advances made by the development of the Drumi, can allow more of the population to take advantage of all of its potential benefits, while simultaneously helping to improve our environment.

Discussion Question:

1)      What are other ways in which human activity causes CO2 emissions into the environment?


Electricity - Electricity is generated through fossil fuel combustion

- The amount of CO2 emission varies based on the type of fossil fuel being used

- CO2 emission is greater when burning coal is used to generate electricity in

 comparison to using oils or natural gases


(e.g. highway vehicles, air travel, marine transportation & rail)

- The second largest source of CO2 emission is the use fossil fuel combustion

  for transportation

- Fossil fuels used for transportation include: Gasoline & Diesel

Industry - Industries emit CO2 through:

  → Fossil fuel combustion

  → Chemical reactions:

              - Mineral (e.g. cement) production & consumption

          - Metal (Iron, Steel) production

          - Chemical production

  → Indirectly through electricity usage


2) What are other ways in which we can reduce the emission of CO2 into the environment?


Method How to Execute Energy Efficiency - Fuel efficient vehicles

- Efficient electrical appliances (e.g. ENERGY STAR appliances)

- Improving building insulation

Energy Conservation - Only turning on lights & electronics when in use

- ↓petroleum consumption by ↓ vehicle usage  

Fuel Switching - Using renewable sources

- Switching to fossil fuels that emit less CO2

Capturing & Sequestering Carbon - Capturing & compressing CO2 emitted into the environment

- Using pipelines, transport CO2  ≥1 mile underground, where CO2 is trapped

 underneath non-porous rock, preventing it from entering into the atmosphere


3)      What effects does CO­2 Emission have on our environment?

Atmosphere - ↑ the Earth’s temperature

- Overtime could increase to temperatures that are unable to support living organisms

Ocean - Ocean Acidification affecting marine organisms

 1) Bicarbonate forms when carbonate ions react to waters carbonic acid

  →  These carbonate ions are typically used to create calcium carbonate shells of aquatic   

            organisms like coral

  →  Reduced availability of these ions, causes more energy expenditure to make shells,

       causing them to be thin and more fragile

 2) The more acidic the water the better able it is to dissolve calcium carbonate

   →  As water acidity increases, carbonate shells of aquatic organisms will dissolve

                   creating weak & pitted shells  

- ↑ Ocean temperature, creating  unfavourable conditions for the growth of Phytoplankton

Land - ↑ Environmental temperatures & humidity à extends growing season of plants, which  

  increases plant growth  

- Increased plant growth increases amount of water required by plants

- Overtime this places stress on plants

  → Causing plants to slow growth in summer due to  ↑ temperatures and less available water

  → These “dry water-stressed plants” are more vulnerable to insects & fires



1)      "Overview of Greenhouse Gases." Carbon Dioxide Emissions. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June 2016. (

2)      "The Carbon Cycle : Feature Articles." The Carbon Cycle : Feature Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June 2016. (


Climate Conversations – Individual Action to Impact Climate Change

Speaker: Vincent Schutt of EnvironmentumWritten by: Esha & Sheena Jain


Vincent Schutt, the director and co-founder of Enviromentum took a remarkably appealing approach when discussing the impact of individual action to climate change. He focused on 3 main principles, which included: what best represents your values in life; what effects of climate change concerns you and finally what steps do you currently take to aid in mitigating climate change. The intention of the exercise was to illustrate there is no need to worry about the logistics regarding environmental concerns; as it only brings upon a sense of impending doom and uncontrollable fear for what the future holds. He suggested that rather the emphasis be placed on your values so that one can take more actions based on these values. This method prevents one from enforcing their views upon others. Instead, it assists individuals in discovering what is important to them, which allows them to connect their behaviors to their values. This strategy permits individuals to discover their own motivation to make a change.  

Discussion Questions:

  1.  How can communicating the importance of climate change be more effective, such that individuals will want to take action? (Where do the discrepancies lie? – what can be done to change this?)

Sander van der Linden, et al, reviewed psychological research regarding climate change communication. 5 discoveries were made:

  1.       People are more likely to respond to personal experience than to abstract analysis. This is problematic as climate change is described in statistically abstract terminology. Perhaps if the information was translated into relatable personal experiences, people may have a better understanding.
  2.       Motivating individuals to take action is difficult. Therefore rewarding the community norms can encourage pro-environmental behavior.
  3.       Climate change can seem like an issue that is distant in time and space, thus easier to ignore. Therefore if it was communicating in a way that may focus on regional changes that are close in time and space –as individuals can see and relate it to their own communities.
  4.       The research shows that people’s attitudes regarding risk depends on losses and gains. Such that people are willing to tolerate the risk of dealing with losses. Perhaps switching the policy conversation that focuses on positive benefits and gains of immediate action may cause an increase in public support.
  5.       Research found that motivating behavior with extrinsic financial incentives for conserving energy may be more effective when combined with the appeals of people’s intrinsic motivation to improve the wellbeing of others and care for the environment. Thus requiring external incentives to motivate individual action.


Overall it has been found that a method in which mitigating climate change effectively involves the insight from social scientists and psychologists. As they can assist in changing individual attitudes and behaviors, by providing a different approach and motivation for individuals to begin to indeed take action, but that too on their own terms.


  1.       What are some examples of things I can do to mitigate climate change?
Transportation Reduce/Reuse/Recycle Advocacy Consumption Habits Conservation



-Go train

-car pool

-eat less meat

-compost & recycle

-recycle electronics

-use reusable bottle

-repurpose waste

-talk with




-buy organic

-buy local

-buy 2nd  hand

-host garage sale

-repair before replace

-save H20

(showering, shaving, brushing teeth)

-save energy

(lights, power strips, appliances)

-insulate home

  1.       How do I start reducing and reusing items?
  2.         Start by looking for products with less packaging. When manufacturers use less packaging, they use less raw

materials. This aids in reducing waste and costs.

  1.   Purchase items in bulk, which can also save money and reduce packaging waste.

iii.  Purchase reusable items vs disposable ones.

  1.  Try to maintain and repair products (i.e. clothing, appliance etc.)
  2.   To create less waste, try reusing old party decorations or borrowing them from a friend.
  3.       What are the benefits of reducing waste and reusing items?
  4.      Reusing items prevents pollution from being caused because it reduces the need to collect new raw materials,

       thus saving energy and money

  1.    By recycling items, you help in reducing greenhouse gas emission

iii.   By making an effort in reducing waste and reusing items, you assist in sustaining the environment for future


  1.   By decreasing the amount of waste, you reduce what needs to be recycled or sent to landfills or incinerators



COMMENTARY ON SCIENCE AND SOCIETY. "How Psychology Can Save The World From Climate Change." NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 24 June 2016. (

US Environmental Protection Agency. "Reducing and Reusing Basics." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 24 June 2016. (


Herbs for Self-Care

Speaker: Dr. Mahalia Freed, NDWritten by: Sheena & Esha Jain


The importance of herbs to our health is so significant. Herbs contain many key elements that can be used for curing purposes, providing us with a variety of natural sources that can be used for treatment. Most herbs have multi-purpose uses further having beneficial effects. In order for us to use these herbs we must have knowledge about their effects, as well as modes in which they can be consumed. The following includes some key herbs that are commonly used for self-treatment.

Name Mechanism of Action Health Benefits Mode of Consumption Linden

(Tilia spp.)

- Nervine sedative

- Antispasmodic

- Digestion

- Diaphoretic

- Antioxidants

- Demulcent (relieves inflammation)

- Hypotensive

- Flu: Antipyretic & speeds healing

- Bathe in flower

- Tea

  → combined with peppermint &    

      yarrow when used as antipyretic


(Taraxacum Officinale)

- Dandelion is a bitter

-  There are many   

  bitter receptors

  throughout the

  body for dandelion

  to bind to

- Controls blood sugar

- Regulates appetite

  →  indicates when we are full

-  Digestion

  → ↑ digestive enzyme production

  → ↑ digestive acids

  → ↑ peristalsis

- Resolves bloating

- Leaf: Kidney Tonic

- Liver & Gallbladder tonic

- Root: effective in killing lymphoma


- Sauteed Greens

- Roasted Root Coffee

- Tea of dried root (simmered)

- Tea of dried leaf (steeped)

Red Raspberry Leaf

(Rubus idaeus)

- Calcium rich

 → therefore helps

      support smooth

      muscles in uterus

      & intestines

     (astringent effects)   

- Uterine Tonic

 →  traditionally used in 2nd & 3rd

   trimester pregnancies

 →  causes shorter & more efficient


- Helps with diarrhea & constipation

- Contains many flavonoids:

 Nutritive & Antioxidant

- Herbal Vinegar

- Infusion of single herb or in

 combination with nettle

Stinging Nettle

(Urtica Dioica)

- Nutrient Rich: ↑ Iron, Calcium &

                             trace minerals

- Blood Cleanser

- Abundant source of Chlorophyll:

 Detox, source of energy

- Antihistamine

  →  helpful with seasonal allergies

- Kidney Tonic, Diuretic

- Central ingredient in prenatal tea

- Pesto

- Juice/Tea

  → especially when used for seasonal


- Blood building infusions

   → used in Iron deficiency patients

   →  Can be combined with Raspberry

Lemon Balm

(Melissa Offcinalis)

- Calming and uplifting to nervous


- Digestion:

   → Helps relieve spasms, gas & pain

   in the digestive tract

- Antiviral

  →  effective against Herpes & some

   types of Influenza

- ↑ HDL cholesterol

- ↓ AST (Liver Enzyme)

- Tea with fresh/Dried Leaf

  →  Antiviral effects in tea form

St John’s Wart - Antiviral

- Wound healing

- Depression

Herbs are available in a variety of forms including, capsular supplements and natural plant form. According to Dr. Freed, herbs in the capsular form are less effective than in the natural plant form due to their inability to preserve the herb. Therefore in order to obtain these optimal benefits one should ingest the herb in its natural state; in the form of a tea, or by direct consumption of the greens itself. When used for medicinal purposes, herb consumption in the form of tinctures is recommended due to its ability to concentrate active constituents in the herb. Tinctures are herbs, extracted as liquids in alcohol or non-alcohol based forms (i.e. apple cider vinegar and vegetable glycerin).

            Overall the abundant availability of herbs, provides us with such easy access to them. Obtaining knowledge about the effects these herbs have to improving our health and mental state can allow us to take full advantage of their beneficial effects.


1)  "Herb Lore." Tinctures. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June 2016. (


Chemicals Released into Our Air & Water that can Pose Risks to Our Health & the Health of Our Environment

Speaker: Heather MarshallWritten by: Esha & Sheena Jain



Toronto is an ever growing city, with some areas more exposed to carcinogens than others, as high rise buildings are being built near industrial areas. It is evident that many companies are not reporting toxic chemicals, which even in the smallest amounts can be harmful. As a result community member of Toronto have pushed “the rights to know bylaw” in order to gain more information regarding the toxins being used and released into the environment. The Toronto public health map website now discloses the top 25 toxic substances used as they are now required to share it with the public. Of the list of 25 toxic substances, Cadmium, Tetrachloroethylene, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons are all cancer causing toxins.

Tetrachloroethylene also known as “Perc” is of particular interest as it is used quite a bit. It is important to know that Perc causes respiratory, nervous and reproductive system issues. It adds to air pollution and has a negative effect on aquatic environments, soil and groundwater contamination.  

Perc is used in dry cleaning and many still continue to use it despite the negative impact it has on public health. Dry cleaning is a misnomer as the clothing is actually soaked in the chemical solvent, then dried and pressed with specialized machinery. There is no such thing as “organic washing,”either,  therefore be aware of false advertising of such signs.  

With the assistance of the Toronto Environmental Alliance a scorecard was created to see what other chemical toxins are being used. This has allowed the public to compare the scores with other cleaners to see what they use, allowing them to choose a dry cleaner that they feel fit. Note that wet cleaning does not negatively impact one’s health or the environment. It is better on clothing and not linked to cancer, air or water pollution and there are no lingering chemical odors.

The Toronto Environmental Alliance has been successful and were able to pass a bylaw known as DineSafe or BodySafe, which is posted in the window of approved dry cleaners allowing the public to know it has been tested, scored and is risk free.

For more information regarding Toronto public health maps go to:

Discussion questions:

  1.       How does Tetrachloroethylene effect the environment (air, aquatics, soil) and what are the outcomes from the toxin exposure?

Air: When dry cleaners use Perc, it is released directly into the air. Perc can be transported long distances in the air as it breaks down slowly.

Perc can move into the air through vapors ending up in homes and apartments above dry cleaning shops.

Aquatics: The dry cleaning industry also produces liquid waste that contains Perc, which may end up at waste treatment facilities. Perc evaporates from water into the air, but some may remain in the water. It is slow to break down in water as well.

Soil: Perc may contaminate the soil when the waste leaks out from the waste treatment facilities. It can evaporate from the soil or end up into the ground water. It also breaks down slowly in the soil.

  1.      Are there any precautions that we as a population can take to reduce the amount of chemicals/toxins exposure?
  • The amount of exposure from Perc vapor intrusion into homes/apartments above dry cleaning facilities can be minimized by ensuring the area is well ventilated. This can be achieved  by increasing the air exchange rate between indoor and outdoor air.
  • If you are concerned that you live near a waste site or near contaminated groundwater or soil, be sure to prevent your children from playing in or ingesting the dirt.
  • Be sure to read product labels carefully and store products in outdoor sheds to reduce indoor air exposure.
  1.    What medical tests can be done to determine Perc exposure?

Perc can be measured in the breath and its breakdown products can be measured in the blood and urine. Detection does not predict the health effects that may develop from the exposure. Tests need to be done within days after exposure as the breakdown products of Perc leave the body rapidly.

  1.       What are the long term effects that Perc will have on the health of those exposed?

Long term exposure may cause neurological effects, including headaches, alteration in mood, memory, attention, reaction time, cognitive functioning or vision changes.

Higher exposure may damage the liver, kidney, immune system, have hematologic effects and impair reproductive development.

Pregnant mothers may face miscarriages, birth defects and slowed growth of fetus in utero after oral and inhalation exposure.

Long periods of exposure may lead to high risk of bladder cancer, multiple myeloma or non-hodgkin’s lymphoma; however, there is limited evidence for these specific cancers.  

Based on evidence, Perc is indeed considered to be carcinogenic by all routes of exposure. According to studies, rats and mice were exposed to Perc for 2 years via inhalation and stomach tube. The results demonstrated a development of  mononuclear cell leukemia in rats and hepatocellular carcinoma in mice.


ATSDR - Public Health Statement: Tetrachloroethylene (PERC). Atsdrcdcgov. 2016. Available at: June 3, 2016.


Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) | Technology Transfer Network Air Toxics Web site | US EPA. www3epagov. 2016. Available at: Accessed June 3, 2016