
Setting Intentions For the New Year

By Dr Mahalia Freed, ND(Written and first published for January 2010)

Last New Year’s, a good friend and I spent a very long, snowy drive sharing and concretizing our intentions for 2009. It was an organic yet intentional conversation. We went back and forth, helping each other get more specific, as well as inspiring one another with our separate dreams. I wrote everything down while she drove. Sharing intentions in this way is something I truly value. Even if you do not have the same goals, this practice creates a context of support as you move through the year, giving you someone to check in with – someone who might notice if you, say, resolved to ski 3 weekends a month and haven’t been out once by March. This kind of social support can, for example, provide us with someone to talk to if we are frustrated by continuing to struggle with a relationship pattern we intend to overcome.

For example, one of the intentions we came up with – and enjoyed following through with during the year – was to cook dinner together on Sundays. The beauty of this plan is that it addressed a number of different intentions/resolutions in one: connection with friends, cooking nourishing food, and eating at home more often.

Without any plan to do so, the two of us ended up curled up together one night over the holidays, reflecting on 2009, and looking back at the intentions we articulated that day in the car, in order to see how we did with our goals. Both of us exceeded our own expectations for the changes we could accomplish, and what joy this could bring.

How did I do this? How did I exceed my own expectations? How did I finally stumble upon how to do things differently when I thought I had been trying to ‘do things differently’ for years? What changed?

As I considered these questions, my training as a naturopathic physician inspired me to broaden my investigation: What compels us to make substantive changes in our lives? According to some, we are inspired to change as a result of deep misery. But what creates our suffering? If we can identify the common denominators of unhappiness, can this also imbue us with the catalysts for change?

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, “There is no doubt that human beings have a great capacity for sticking to false beliefs with great passion and tenacity, and hyper-rational scientists are not immune” (Biology of Belief, 2005, xiv). If our beliefs are key ingredients in the soup of our daily lives, then can changing our beliefs – our thoughts – create a tastier experience? A more nourishing, delightful, and stimulating existence?


Believing in Change, Being Ready to Do Things Differently

One thing that keeps coming up as I look back at the last 12 months or so is this devotion to doing things differently. For me, it was a year of responding to situations differently, making different choices, thinking outside the (belief) box; and reaping the many and unexpected rewards of the new storyline I have been creating.

Wow! What a relief! There have been measurable improvements in every aspect of my life. However, part of my mind cannot just accept this. I need to know what changed, what I did that finally got me to where I thought I had been trying to go for years. The so-called “scientific” part of my mind always wants a logical, detailed answer. And I found one.

The answer is both simple and paradigm-busting: I was finally able to change some of my beliefs. About myself, about my clinical practice, about the kind of relationships I can have. Bruce Lipton, PhD, is a proponent of New Biology, lecturer and cell membrane researcher. He is also the author of a powerful book, The Biology of Belief. Based on his research in Epigenetics, the book offers a detailed biochemical explanation for the ways in which our cells are affected by our thoughts.

According to his findings, our actual biology – the expression of our genes – is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages that stem from our thoughts. Yes, that is correct: mainstream, scientific research has proven that your thoughts impact your body from a cellular level up. While old school biology and medical training teach that the actions of the cell are controlled by the cell’s nucleus, Lipton proved that cells respond to information from their environment – that the organism’s behaviour, and even its fate, are determined by its perception of the environment (2005, xv). And a significant aspect of that environment is determined by our thoughts.

In talking about his own transformation resulting from his research, Lipton writes, “I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs…there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny” (2005, xv). How do we put Lipton’s ground-breaking research into practice in our own lives? We can begin by setting clear intentions about our desires for the New Year. However, Lipton’s research enjoins us to do more than create another sterile list of ‘resolutions’ that will become next December’s ironic status updates on facebook. My new year’s wish for all of us is that we may know this: the power of our thoughts can fundamentally and drastically improve our physical health, and endow our lives with the joy and satisfaction that results from surrendering what Eckhart Tolle has called, “our victim stories” (Tolle, 1999: 84). May being mindful of how we think – not just what we think – inspire us to begin to make the changes we are ready for. May you each set clear intentions, share them with someone you love and trust, and may the power to do things differently help you to have great health – physically, emotionally and spiritually, in 2010.



Lipton, Bruce (2008). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles. Vancouver, BC: Raincoast Inc.

Tolle, Eckhart (1999). The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Vancouver, BC: Namaste Publishing.


About Mahalia Freed, Naturopathic Doctor

“I believe that within every person is an innate capacity to establish, maintain, and restore their own health.” Dr Mahalia Freed says, “My role as an ND is to help people access this potential by choosing treatments that support the body’s inherent healing capability.”

Mahalia Freed is a Naturopathic Doctor happily based at Lifecycles Wellness in Yorkville. In her family practice, Dr Freed has a special focus in endocrinology, mental health, oncology, fertility, and perinatal care. For more information on cancer prevention, spring recipes, and other topics, follow her on Facebook: or visit her website

New Year, Turning Over a New Leaf

By Dr Mahalia Freed, ND “I hereby resolve…” Do your resolutions fit with your life? With the season?

A fresh start – like the start of the New Year – can feel great. There is the exhilaration of yet-to-be-realized potential, the excitement of what-may-happen, the drive to begin actualizing those resolutions. Yet there is also the letdown post-holidays, the cold, grey days, ongoing stress at work or at home. How can you honor and sustain your health resolutions this year? While the depths of winter is not the best time to do a liver cleanse or a juice fast, it is a fine time to renew your commitment to self-care. Winter is a yin time - a time for introspection and creativity, a time for invigorating skis and then cozy evenings in, a time to nourish with warm whole foods and warming tea. Why not integrate medicinal teas into your routine this season? Following up on the stress and digestion piece in the fall newsletter, this article highlights the wisdom of herbs as complex living medicines that cross body systems to provide us with just the support that we need. Did you know that there are herbs that soothe both the digestive tract and the nervous system? Did you know that there are herbs that decrease gut inflammation and are also antiviral? Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is one such herb. A common weed in the mint family, lemon balm is traditionally used to soothe indigestion, especially when related to emotional stress. The herb is helpful for relieving spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, gas pain, and flatulence. As well, it has a restorative, calming, and uplifting effect on the nervous system. Finally, laboratory studies confirm that the water extract (as in, tea) is antiviral, particularly against the cold sore virus and some types of ‘flu. For calming your digestive tract and nourishing your nerves, try the following tea: Nerve Nourishing Tummy Tea Combine loose herbs

  • 1 Part Licorice root

  • 1 Part Chamomile flowers

  • 2 Parts Lemon balm aerial parts


Place herb mixture in a French press or teapot with strainer and add boiling water. Let steep 5-15 minutes, and drink as desired. Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar recommends this combination for heartburn, to be consumed 30 minutes before and after meals. Cautions: If you have an under-active thyroid, consult your naturopathic doctor or medical herbalist before regularly using lemon balm. If you have high blood pressure, consult your naturopathic doctor or medical herbalist before regularly using licorice root.

Mahalia Freed, ND, is a naturopathic doctor practicing and lecturing in Toronto. If you have questions or topic suggestions please email:

The Kale Crusader Speaks!

By Dr Mahalia Freed, ND

Sunshine! Blossoms! Longer days! What do our bodies need, as we move gratefully into Spring and increased outward activity? Part of any naturopathic treatment plan is optimizing nutrition. Just as in a garden you prepare and enrich the soil before you plant, so food choices nourish your body, so that you may flourish and achieve your health goals. Whether your current concern is increasing energy or enhancing fertility, ensuring that your foundational nutrients are as strong as possible is a priority. And, it is something you can do for yourself and for those with whom you share meals.

Emerald green, nutrientdense, fibre-rich and oh so satisfying, Kale is a powerhouse vegetable. I, as a Kale Crusader, am here to tell you some of the reasons why you should get to know this green, and add it to your vegetable roster! Kale is a member of the cancer-fighting Brassica family, along with broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy. Brassicas contain indole-3-carbinol, a phytochemical that promotes healthy estrogen metabolism, making kale beneficial for all hormone-dependent conditions, from PMS to colon cancer. Brassicas are also rich in sulfur compounds, essential for healthy phase II liver detoxification as well as being protective against cancer. At 92 mg per cup of cooked greens, Kale is an excellent nondairy source of calcium. And with 2.6 g of fibre per cup of cooked greens, patients tell me kale is their secret to regular bowel movements! While technically a “winter crop”, Kale grows well here in the summer and fall (plant some in your garden!) and is easy to find in your local market.

About Mahalia Freed, Naturopathic Doctor “I believe that within every person is an innate capacity to establish, maintain, and restore their own health.” Dr Mahalia Freed says, “My role as an ND is to help people access this potential by choosing treatments that support the body’s inherent healing capability.” Mahalia Freed is a Naturopathic Doctor happily based at Lifecycles Wellness in Yorkville. In her family practice, Dr Freed has a special focus in endocrinology, mental health, oncology, fertility, and perinatal care. For more information on cancer prevention, spring recipes, and other topics, follow her on Facebook: or visit her website

Allergy Season Tips – Spotlight on Nettles

By Dr Mahalia Freed, ND Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergies or allergic rhinitis, is estimated to affect 10 - 20 % of the population in developed countries. Considering that there are over 300 million people in the USA alone, this percentage implies a significant impact on wellness and quality of life for many of us. Hay fever occurs when your immune system overreacts to airborne particles, most commonly the pollens of trees, grass, and ragweed. A wide variety of factors are associated with developing allergies, from air pollution, to infant exposures. The list of symptoms includes runny & itchy nose, itchy, red, watery eyes, sneezing and congestion. People who suffer from seasonal allergies are more likely to develop asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infections, and other complications. Interestingly, there is also new research suggesting a link between seasonal allergies and depression. However there is no need to make your handkerchief a constant companion and/or stay indoors until the pollens freeze. Naturopathic medicine offers a variety of treatments that can effectively bring resolution and manage symptoms, with individual plans drawing on nutrition, herbal medicine, constitutional homeopathy and acupuncture. One of my personal favorite herbs, nettles, is a star in treating seasonal allergies, and it is profiled below. Spotlight on Nettles (Urtica dioica) Fresh spring tops of stinging nettles can be cooked and enjoyed in dishes similar to those where you find spinach, such as quiche, sautéed, in soup… NB: If harvesting your own, wear gloves! Dried nettle leaf is commonly prepared as a strong infusion, or tea, either on its own or in combination with other herbs. For an individualized, targeted prescription, consult with your naturopathic doctor or herbalist.

Nettles Quick Facts

  • Act as a natural “antihistamine”

  • Better than placebo in treating allergic rhinitis in clinical trial;

  • Anti-inflammatory (as measured by blood markers such as cytokines and acute phase proteins);

  • Rich in calcium, a nutrient important for mucus membrane health;

  • Good source of iron, especially when steeped overnight;

  • Contain abundant chlorophyll, nature’s detoxifier;

  • A traditional “blood cleanser”, found in many skin formulas, and as part of a spring cleanse;

  • Diuretic, and tonifying for the kidneys.

Astragalus for Your Health

By Dr. Mahalia Freed This Chinese herb is one of my favorites. An ally for a wide range of conditions, it is a tonic and support to the immune system, enhancing our immunity without being overly stimulating. Studies of Astragalus have found that the root extract increases activity and numbers of various white blood cells, the cells that form the foundation of the immune system. It is a central herb in many deep-acting immune formulas, including antiviral formulas, and in contrast to immune stimulants like Echinacea, these tonic formulas may be taken throughout the winter to strengthen the body’s innate defenses against colds and flus. Astragalus is equally well known as an adaptogen, meaning that it supports the body in adapting to physical and emotional stress. In fact, Astragalus is a central herb in Change of Season Soup, a herbal formula traditionally taken for a week or two as the weather gets colder (or warmer), as well as in times of stress. Amazing Astragalus is antibacterial as well as antiviral, and it is specifically protective to the lungs, the liver and the heart. Beyond its traditional role in keeping people healthy, uses of this herb range from acute or chronic infection to allergies to adjunct support during cancer treatment. Consult with a Naturopathic Doctor to find the dose and form best for you.

Dr. Mahalia Freed is a Naturopathic Doctor practising and lecturing in Toronto. If you have any questions or want to suggest a column topic, Dr. Freed can be reached at: